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Oregon Willamette Valley Crop & Field Condition Update


The anticipated projections shared back in April rang true across most species. The projected poor crop conditions and weather produced the following yields:

· Turf Tall fescue saw minimal reduction in yields from last year even with the poor field conditions mid spring with an overall reduction from average of about 10%.

· Perennial Ryegrass experienced many poor stands in the spring and experienced a 20% reduction of 2023 crop overall from last year.

· Annual ryegrass pulled through chemical damage and bare ground fields in the spring with a 15% reduction from last year.

· Fine Fescue experienced the hardest hit to yields coming in at a 40% reduction from average. The drought cost growers a minimum of 1/3 of the crop or more with many Spring planted fields likely to fail due to lack of establishment.

· Crimson and Red Clover acres were static from 2022. Growers are experiencing large ranges in yields for the 2023 harvest with the overall average still seeing about a 30% reduction, bringing our volume in slightly under last year.



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